New program to help nonviolent offenders receive job training

August 22, 2022

The Broward State Attorney’s Office, the Broward Public Defender’s Office and OIC of South Florida are excited to announce that we are working together to make our community safer by reducing recidivism.

Under a new diversion program, eligible individuals who are charged with certain nonviolent crimes will be given the opportunity to complete technical training to help them acquire a trade that can lead to gainful employment and result in economic empowerment.

Under the new program, Economic Empowerment Today, defendants charged with a nonviolent third-degree felony may be eligible to participate in OIC-SFL vocational skills training and receive assistance with job placement. Participants must be 18 or older and reside in Broward County.

The program will allow these nonviolent offenders to avoid the stigma of a criminal conviction by diverting their case from the trial court process if they successfully complete the training and program requirements.

“We know that a lack of economic opportunity can lead one down the wrong path. We think it is important to give people an opportunity to turn around their lives and learn skills that will help them start over,” said Broward State Attorney Harold F. Pryor. “This program will give people a second chance and the practical skills they need to be successful in the workforce.”

Some of the many programs offered by OIC-SFL can be viewed at:

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